We carry a proud history of successful long track-record of mandates supporting our clients. Selected success stories include:
Upstream Oil & Gas
Advisor to an independent listed upstream Oil & Gas company for raising funds dedicated to 2 identified acquisitions of existing businesses. USD 275m.
Real Estate
Advisor to a boutique real estate property developer on the capital raising for the development of 3 residential projects.
Upstream Oil & Gas
Advisor to a Middle East major national upstream Oil & Gas company for a cross-border acquisition of a corporate target in the Asia Pacific.
Renewable Energy
Advisor for a Southeast Asian major independent energy company for a cross-border acquisition of a renewable energy corporate target in Australasia.
Gas Infrastructure
Advisor to the local investment sponsor of a liquid gas project in a key Southeast Asian market for the sale of a significant minority stake to an international energy company.
Refinery Upgrade
Financial and Commercial Advisor to a national oil company in Southeast Asia for their investment plans for their downstream portfolio upgrade and expansion project.
Trading Platform
Set up and execution of market entry strategy for major global oil commodity trading house in a key energy Southeast Asian market.
Petrochem Development
Financial and Commercial Advisor to a European Oil & Gas major in regards to an investment in a petrochemical project and associated trading flows in a key energy southeast Asian market.
Sovereign Fund Scheme
Advisor on the setup and capital raising for the government of Morocco investment fund dedicated to the tourism and touristic real estate sectors. USD 1bn.
Real Estate Developer
Set up, investment strategy and capital raising for the real estate arm of an Indonesian state-owned enterprise. Capital USD 150m.
Energy Infrastructure
Development of an energy infrastructure investment vehicle taking the concept to FID stages and long term investments. Capital: USD 250m.
Leading clients that have entrusted our team members with serving them and with whom we built longstanding relations and continued business support include:
(non-exhaustive listing for illustration purposes only)
(Transaction referred to undertaken by team members while at other institutions)